
Welcome to Nature’s Therapy.  I’m fascinated by the human relationship with nature and the role she plays in our lives and have enjoyed exploring this connection personally and through a range of disciplines, including ecology, anthropology, neuroscience and psychotherapy.   Here I share my exploration with articles and commentary on the impact of nature on our health and well-being.


Beth. Profile picBeth Collier is a Nature-based Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor. She uses London’s parks and woodlands as therapeutic spaces. Beth has a B.A. in Comparative Religion and Social Anthropology, an M.A. in Psychotherapy and Counselling and an M.A. in Human Rights.

She founded Wild in the City! as a therapeutic organisation supporting emotional well-being through connection to nature and established the Nature Therapy School to provide high quality training to psychotherapists and outdoor professionals with an interest in the therapeutic benefits of nature.

She incorporates bushcraft within her work and has particular interests in natural navigation, tracking and indigenous worldviews about our relationship with nature. Beth has a life long passion for nature stemming from a rural upbringing.

She is a Fellow of the London Environmental Educator’s Forum and sits on the steering committee of the initiative to make Greater London the world’s first National Park City.


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